How to Stay Connected While Traveling: Brilliant Kid Version

We were four over-connected Americans traveling to Israel. Between us we had three iPhones, one regular cell phone, one laptop, one GameBoy, one Kindle, and three iPads. Cheapy me, though, refused to buy a new converter for plugging American devices in overseas outlets. Two is enough, I insisted. We'll share.

Not enough! my 16- and 20-year-olds agreed. So they came up with a solution: a circuit breaker with space for plugging in several devices at once.

Here it is, at the airport -- before we even needed the converters.
Once we arrived, we split the converters, one per hotel room, and stayed way too connected for all ten days. (P.S. For long trips, Nir the amazing Israeli tour guide turned on WiFi in his minivan. I could have lived without my teenage son playing League of Legends instead of looking at the landscape, but he never kvetched.)
Travel safe, eat well, and, if you can't help it, stay connected,